Search Results: "David Paleino"

26 August 2010

David Paleino: gmtkbabel 0.1

Version 0.1 of gmtkbabel has just been released! :) It consists of a set of shell scripts, which use zenity to give a nice GUI over mtkbabel. gmtkbabel 0.1 Future improvements might include providing a Qt alternative (and the "g" in the name might just mean "GUI" instead of "GTK" then), and whatever users need. It might also become something more serious, written in a more complex language, who knows :) Many thank to Elena of Valhalla'' Grandi, who started this project to help some users on #osm-it@oftc.

15 July 2010

David Paleino: JOSM in Debian now supports OAuth authentication

Finally we have the same exact features as the upstream precompiled one. YAY! Here's the story. JOSM supports the OAuth authentication method since the SVN snapshot rev. 3094. At the time (the package was uploaded on Mar 18, 2010), we didn't have some needed dependencies in Debian for that. So I had to disable it, by patching the source code. In the meanwhile, I started filing RFP/ITPs, to fulfill the missing dependency chain. And it turned to be a long chain. Here it is: JOSM missing dependencies graph Looking at it now, that it's all done, it doesn't seem that long. However, I had to face the infamous Maven buildsystem, which I didn't know at all and pretended to download every dependency in a "local repository". Then I found the maven-debian-helper and maven-repo-helper packages, and started understanding it. Unfortunately, it seems that maven is only being used by CDBS people, so I had to override some debian/rules targets to get the work done with dh7. Once the chain was fulfilled... JOSM didn't even compile. Then I discovered that JOSM had code working with oauth-signpost 1.1, but 1.2 (which I uploaded to Debian) broke the API. So I had to port it to the new API, and I could finally upload it. Now we're at the end of this adventure. Debian JOSM users will have the choice of OAuth re-enabled, and I learned to master a new (to me) beast. Enjoy :)

16 June 2010

David Paleino: Bash-Completion 1.2 released

After more than 9 months from the previous release, the Bash Completion Team is proud to announce the release of bash-completion 1.2! In this release, we dropped support for bash < 3.2. We're sorry, but we cannot stop development just to support versions that old. By now, everyone should have a version fulfilling our requirement. As usual, lots of completions have been added: we're now at 168 files in our contrib/ directory (1.1 had 145, and 1.0 had 44 -- but most completions in 1.0 were bundled in the main file). Now bash_completion only contains helper functions, and basic filename-based completions. Everything has moved to contrib/! This release also saw the contribution of many external people, despite the fact that our bugtracker on Alioth doesn't seem to work too well (problem with attachments, anyone?). Anyhow, you're invited to register and start filing bugs as you find them :). Apart from the usual team members (Ville Skytt , Freddy Vulto, the newcome Leonard Crestez and me), we've had contributions from (in no particular order): Ted Stern, Jeremie Lasalle Ratelle, Rapha l Droz, Adrian Friedli, Ildar Mulyukov, Neville Gao, Austin English, Igor Murzov, Mario Schwalbe and Mark van Rossum. Thank you people for helping us! For completion developers: we added new helper functions. Most notably, it's now possible to get the current and the previous "word" just by calling:
_get_comp_words_by_ref cur prev
instead of (up to 1.1):
cur=$(_get_cword) prev=$ COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]
Also, we have a new helper to deal with completion with colons, __ltrim_colon_completions(). See the comment in bash_completion for its documentation. You'll find more helpers directly in bash_completion. We're still far from having a distributable API documentation, so please forgive us. Enjoy the new bash-completion! -- David

30 May 2010

David Paleino: GoogleCode redirector

I recently saw a couple of bugreports all complaining about debian/watch files failing with GoogleCode. Since I'm myself maintaining some packages whose upstream authors use Google as their hoster, I felt it was a good idea to offer a service for uscan(1) and DEHS. You can reach the service at To use it in your debian/watch, just use:<project>/<regex>
For example:\d+.*).tar.gz
The source code is available at (you should give this url to git clone). This service is currently in beta testing; suggestions and patches are more than welcome! Also, feel free to report any issue you might encounter!

9 April 2010

Enrico Zini: apt-xapian-index now comes with a query tool

apt-xapian-index now comes with a query tool I've just uploaded a new version of apt-xapian-index to unstable. Now it comes with a little query tool called axi-cache. You can search this way:
axi-cache search foo bar baz facet::tag sec:section
In fact, you can use most of the things described here. You can then say axi-cache more to get more results, or axi-cache again to retry a search, or axi-cache again wibble wabble to add keywords to the last search. This allows to start with a search and tweak it. In order to work it needs to save the last search so again or more can amend it. Searches are saved in ~/.cache/axi-cache.state. You can search tags instead of packages by adding --tags. It will suggest extra terms for the search, and also suggest extra tags. It can even correct spelling mistakes in the query terms once the index has been rebuilt with this new version of update-apt-xapian-index. I need to thank Carl Worth who, with notmuch, reminded me that if I just build a nice interface on top of Xapian's query parser I go quite a long way towards making a Xapian database extremely useful indeed. axi-cache also integrates with bash-completion so that tab completion is context-sensitive to the command line being typed:
$ axi-cache search image pro
probability      process          processors       programmability  provides         
problem          processing       production       pronounced       proving  
$ axi-cache search kernel pro
problems     processor    production   proved       provided     
processing   processors   programming  provide      provides     
Thanks to David Paleino who wrote the bash completion script. Just for reference, this is the command line help:
$ axi-cache help
Usage: axi-cache [options] command [args]
Query the Apt Xapian index.
  axi-cache help            show a summary of commands
  axi-cache search [terms]  start a new search
  axi-cache again [query]   repeat the last search, possibly adding query terms
  axi-cache more [count]    show more terms from the last search
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SORT, --sort=SORT  sort by the given value, as listed in /var/lib/apt-
  --tags                show matching tags, rather than packages
  --tabcomplete=TYPE    suggest words for tab completion of the current
            command line (type is 'plain' or 'partial')
If you install the package for the first time, you may need to rebuild the index by running update-apt-xapian-index as root before using axi-cache.

18 March 2010

David Paleino: JOSM/1.5 svn3094 in sid

For those of you fans of OpenStreetMap, I just uploaded JOSM 3094 to Sid. I had to heavily patch this version, to disable OAuth support. Yes, you won't be able to use it with the Debian package. The reason is simple: supporting OAuth requires a set of packages not yet available in Debian. I've filed ITPs, and blocked bugs appropriately, but it'll take some time until the full chain is available. In the meanwhile, enjoy! Go in the streets and map the world!

28 February 2010

David Paleino: Welcome Michael Gilbert!

I just approved his request for joining the DKMS team. Welcome on board!

8 February 2010

David Paleino: New team member in bash-completion

I'm glad to announce that we accepted a new member in bash-completion's upstream team: Dan-Leonard Crestez. He's an active guy in the F/OSS world, and I'm glad he's now in our team. :) Welcome on board!

17 January 2010

Mirco Bauer: Smuxi 0.7 Release + Smuxi 0.8 Plans + FOSDEM 2010

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Yeah, it's that time of year again, I am writing a blog post bigsmile.png. As some of you have probably already noticed I managed to get Smuxi 0.7 released a few days ago. Almost all of my Xmas vacation I was hacking on Smuxi. This is the best Smuxi release ever (guaranteed!). The most notable features I implemented in the 0.7 release are: Twitter support, handling for high latency networks (UTMS, WLAN, busy DSL) and an improved IRC experience through tweaks such as splitting oversized messages and new context menus. This release also contains very nice contributions from David Paleino [2] and Cl ment Bourgeois. Both joined the hackfest during my Xmas vacation and made the hacking sessions on Smuxi even more fun. Thanks for that guys! Here you can find a full list of changes. As everbody likes screenshots and as screenshots say a thousand words, here they are: Quick Connect
User Menu
Which direction will Smuxi head in after the 0.7 release? For the 0.8 release, I plan to focus on making the IRC support feature complete. That means we will get DCC, SSL, IPv6 and logging support. Nothing of that sounds very special but I am already investigating how Smuxi can be integrated with the promising new Zeitgeist project. I interviewed one of the developers for potential communication between Smuxi and Zeitgeist. Last but not least, I want to announce that I will be attending FOSDEM 2010 in Brussels. I also will give a talk about Smuxi there, scheduled on 2010-02-07 at 16:30. If you want to have a chat, a beer, do some GPG keysigning, or ask me any questions, I am available bigsmile.png PS: If you want more updates than once per year, just follow me on Twitter

15 January 2010

David Paleino: WICD 1.7.0 in unstable!

WICD 1.7.0-1 just landed in Unstable! This is supposed to be the last 1.* release -- upstream will actively work on 2.0, and fix bugs on 1.7 only if they're serious enough. I will obviously support 1.7 until 2.0 comes out :) Enjoy!

3 January 2010

David Paleino: WICD 1.7.0~b3 in experimental

I just uploaded WICD 1.7.0~b3 to experimental. This was supposed to be the last pre-release before the official one, but a ~b4 has just been released, adding one more patch I'm keeping in debian/patches/. Luckily enough, my previous big hacking to split the source code (to make it easier for packagers to have separate binary packages) has been merged upstream! So one less patch for me to maintain :) It would be cool if experienced people (this is not (yet) for the faint of heart!) could test this package, before 1.7.0 gets released as stable and I upload it to sid. Or maybe you could just want to help us :) Let's find bugs now!

21 December 2009

David Paleino: RC bug squashing

Just had some time in the last two days, and here's the list of uploaded NMUs. So far, I had only one maintainer complaining (again, sorry!), but I must admit that on Sunday I just didn't follow the correct NMU procedure Sad Anyhow, here's what I have:
  1. #504824 [libnids] FTBFS with GCC 4.4: #elif used instead of #else
  2. #504864 [omnievents] FTBFS with GCC 4.4: missing #include
  3. #504871 [bookmarkbridge] FTBFS with GCC 4.4: missing #include
  4. #504902 [libofa] FTBFS with GCC 4.4: missing #include
  5. #504943 [libassa] FTBFS with GCC 4.4: missing #include
  6. #504963 [libfcgi] FTBFS with GCC 4.4: missing #include
  7. #504970 [italc] FTBFS with GCC 4.4: missing #include
  8. #504973 [libspiff] FTBFS with GCC 4.4: missing #include
  9. #505021 [passepartout] FTBFS with GCC 4.4: missing #include
  10. #505078 [codeine] FTBFS with GCC 4.4: missing #include
  11. #505333 [gloox] FTBFS with GCC 4.4: missing #include
  12. #505372 [bobot++] FTBFS with GCC 4.4: missing #include
  13. #505420 [esteidutil] FTBFS with GCC 4.4: missing #include
  14. #510759 [log4cxx] FTBFS with GCC 4.4: missing #include
  15. #526151 [openmovieeditor] FTBFS with GCC 4.4: missing #include
  16. #551107 [fusecompress] FTBFS with GCC 4.4: missing #include
  17. #551718 [eboard] eboard: FTBFS with latest eglibc and gcc 4.4
Some highlights Most of these bugs, if not all, already had a patch attached. Thanks to Martin Michlmayr for his work on this! Regarding fusecompress, after my upload to DELAYED/2, the maintainer promptly replied asking for sponsorship of a package he already had. So this does not really count Smile If you want to participate in this great game too, and improve our loved distribution, you can have a look at this list of possibly easy bugs to fix. Have fun!

12 December 2009

David Paleino: wicd_1.6.2.2-5~exp1_i386.changes is NEW

Why is wicd NEW? Simple, I managed to split the files into separate packages. As soon as it clears NEW, those who are using experimental will be able to install a cli-only wicd, i.e. no more unnecessary throwing in of GTK+ and X Smile I will make a call for testing as soon as this package clears the queue. Hope I didn't make too much mistakes Wink

8 November 2009

David Paleino: Finally a DD!

Finally, it happened! I became a Debian Developer! I wish to thank everybody involved in this process: from those who helped me in my initial packaging efforts, to who actually created the account. Many thanks to the pkg-perl team for accepting newbies and helping them: props to Damyan Ivanov, Gregor Herrmann, Gunnar Wolf! Thanks to Debian-Med and Debian CLI: they always believed in me, and I had a great time in these teams. A special thanks goes to Andreas Tille, who advocated my NM candidature. Thanks to my two AMs, Bart Martens and Bernd Zeimetz. Even if my NM was long, difficult and not so flawless, it all went good, at the end Smile. A special thanks to Enrico Zini: he was the first DD signing my GPG key, thus allowing me to have more "rights" (being a DM), and experience some more responsibility than I previously had. Thanks to his "Become a DD. NOW!" right after checking my ID in Palermo -- Enrico, it finally happened! Thanks to Christoph Berg, Ron Lee, and Stephen Gran, which handled the final steps of the overall process. And now, dapal is here to break the world. Be warned! Smile

10 October 2009

David Paleino: Bash-completion 1.1 released

Here we go, another release has been cooked for your enjoyment: bash-completion 1.1 is here! This release's development cycle has seen the release of bash4: this introduced a number of bugs, which have been hopefully fixed. Blame us if you find any other Smile Many completions were split out of bash_completion: this prepares the road to dynamic loading of needed completions (in a future major release), resulting in a smaller and faster completion! Furthermore, like each release, many new completions have been added, many old ones were improved, and some bugs have been fixed (more than 20). For more info, look at the changelog file. Still there? Go download bash-completion-1.1! For any bug you might find, please contact us at our mailing list, or directly file it at the Alioth tracker. For the Debian users out there: package coming soon! Happy installation!

18 September 2009

David Paleino: RC bug squashing

Following zack's suggestions, I've been looking at RC bugs in my sparetime. In two days (well, two evenings really), I've been able to cope with a good number of bugs: I must admit that some of them (didn't count them, might also be the greatest part of them) already had patches, and I just prepared the NMU. For others, there were other FTBFS's other than the ones filed, and those were fixed too. It would be extra cool if some DD uploaded the remaining 3 NMUs! I also had time to release and package syslog-summary 1.14, but, not being DMUA yet, I'd need a sponsor for that too (but I'll probably ask my AM, since this upload sets DMUA). Happy RC-bug-squashing! Your friendly neighborhood hanska Smile

15 May 2009

David Paleino: Mourning for my grandpa's death

Addio, nonno.

9 May 2009

David Paleino: OpenPGP key transition announcement

Because of the recently announced attack against the SHA-1 digest algorithm, I finally decided to move away from my old 1024-bit DSA OpenPGP key, landing to a shiny new 4096-bit RSA one. The old key will continue to be valid for some time, but I prefer all future correspondence to come to the new one. I would also like this new key to be re-integrated into the web of trust. I'm attaching a file with
the complete text of the transition, clearsigned by both keys to certify the transition. You can find the transition statement also on . You can check the validity of the file with something like:
$ gpg --decrypt key-transition_20090509.txt   gpg --decrypt
If you need to transition your key too, and you're one of my signees, then let's please coordinate, so that we have the new keys cross-signed, without spurious signatures fromgoing-to-be-revoked keys Smile Thank you for your help.
key-transition_20090509.txt4.03 KB

2 April 2009

David Paleino: Bash-Completion 1.0 released

The Bash Completion Development team is proud to announce the release of
bash-completion 1.0! This release features many new improvements: first of all, the upstream
development is now driven by a cross-distribution team. We now have people from
Debian, Mandriva, Gentoo, Exherbo, RedHat/Fedora, and we're hopefully going to
grow more! See the AUTHORS file for more information. Other than that, many new completions have been added, and plenty of bugs
have been fixed (49!). For more info, look at our changelog file. Still there? Go download bash-completion-1.0! We also changed homepage, thanks to Debian's Alioth project for the
hospitality. For any bug you might find, please contact us at our mailing list, or
directly file it at the Alioth tracker. Happy installation! P.S.: Debian package coming soon.

13 March 2009

David Paleino: I turned 22.

Eheh, I'm getting older... 22 today! Smile I just wanted to put down some of the important things happened to me this year... Wishes for the 22-23 development cycle Smile : Happy birthday to me!

